Osteoarticular system diseases:
pains of back and spine, neck, shoulders, wrists, hips, joints, legs, pelvis, knees
- migraines and headaches
- tendon and ligament pain (also in the case of sprains and dislocations)
- arthritis
- cancer pain
Respiratory system diseases:
- pneumonia, bronchitis
- asthma
- runny nose and stuffy nose
- inflammation of the tonsils, throat, larynx
- sinusitis
- epistaxis
Digestive system diseases:
- hepatitis
- gastric ulcers
- gallstones
- pancreatitis
- diseases of colon, small intestine and large intestine
- stomach pain
- indigestion
- reflux and gastric problems
- constipation
- diarrhea
- hemorrhoids
Cardiovascular system diseases:
- heart disease (heart attact, cardiac insufficienty)
- hypertension
- blood circulation disorder
- atherosclerosis
Genitourinary system diseases:
- nephritis
- inflammation of the urinary tract
- kidney stones
- impotence
- infertility
Gynecological diseases:
- uterine fibroid, cervical cancer
- cysts
- menstrual disorders and menopausal symptoms
- infertility
Psychosomatic diseases:
- anxiety, stress, fatigue
- problems with concentration
- dizziness
- tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- insomnia
- excessive appetite
- apathy
Neurological diseases:
- tics
- numbness, tingling in hands/legs
- sensory disorder
- neuralgia
- facial nerve paralysis
- limb paralysis
- sciatica
Eye diseases:
- glaucoma
- amblyopia
- hyperopia
Dermatological diseases:
- allergies
- skin infection
- acne
- psoriasis
- alopecia
- overweight and obesity
- underweight